中世纪占星黄金法则(The Golden Rule in Medieval Delineation)
- 宫位事务好坏源于宫主星(The good or bad signified by a house emanates from the ruler of the house.)
- 宫主星落他宫会联结两个宫位(The ruler of one house in another links those two houses.)
- 宫主星落他宫会助力其所主宰宫位事务的实现(The ruler of one house in another causes the realization of the house it rules.)
- 宫主星是其所主宰宫位事务的结果(The ruler of a house is the outcome of the house it rules.)
- 宫内星比宫主星的作用更为显著(Position is stronger than rulership.)
In judging a house, it is very important to keep in mind that position is stronger than rulership. While we have just been discussing rulership in the figure and there is more yet to be said about rulership in connection with houses, the position of planets in the house is of far more impact than the strength of the ruler. The ruler will show something of the outcome, what will eventually eventuate, but the planets in the house are given preference because they will work for or against the realisation of the houses.
The key to it is the zodiacal state and strength of the ruler of the house. For it to realize the promise of the house it rules, it must be “fortunate and strong,” as the medieval authors so frequently state. This means, of good zodiacal state (some measure of dignity; a favourable, or at least not unfavourable, relation with its dispositor; unimpeded by the malefics). Should it be conjunct, square or opposed a malefic, we want to see a reception between the malefic and the ruler. In the absence of a reception the ruler’s ability to realize the affairs of the house it rules is impeded.
多星同宫法则(More Than One Planet in a House Rule)
The planet closest to the cusp is the more powerful planet in the house UNLESS the planet that rules the house is also in the house – in which case it is the more powerful planet despite its position in the house (i.e. it does not have to be closest to the cusp).
宫主星异宫法则(Ruler of a House in That House Rule)
When the ruler of the house is in the house it realizes the affairs of the house.